Imagining Your Future

A program supported by The Harraseeket Foundation for high school students interested in exploring life after high school.

“Imagining Your Future” supports students who work with mentors while gaining at-work experience

How It Works

Students are selected for participation in a year-long program to work with a mentor.

The mentor guides the student as they participate in workshops and similar events at school, and in at-work experiences such as field trips, shadowing, and internships.

Mentors from local community organizations are trained to support students as they explore career, education, and training options after high school.

Our first Imagining Your Future program is at Herndon High School, Herndon, Virginia

The program draws from our work over the last year at Herndon High School and with other Northern Virginia community organizations.

Interested in supporting Imagining Your Future?

Students need mentors from community organizations, volunteers, employers interested in offering at-work experiences and workshop discussion leaders

Current Imagining Your Future mentors

You need to be a current mentor to access these pages. A password is required..

Imagining Your Future is supported by The Harraseeket Foundation

The Harraseeket Foundation (pronounced “hair-a-SEEK-it”) is a Virginia 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports programs for Northern Virginia community organizations that wish to help young people imagine their future.

Check out Harraseeket’s website, linked in the box to the right.